
oTree is an open-source platform for web-based interactive tasks, such as lab experiments and multiplayer games, written in Python.


For this guide you should be familiar with the basic concepts of:


oTree is licenced under the MIT open source licence. The authors ask that you cite their paper:



oTree uses PostgreSQL to store data in production mode. If you haven’t set it up yet, initialize and configure PostgreSQL first.

Create a separate user and database for oTree:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ createuser otree -P
[isabell@stardust ~]$ createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=otree --template=template0 otree
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Take note of the passphrase for the otree user. We will refer to it below as POSTGRESQL_PW.

Web domain

Setup a domain to access your oTree apps:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web domain add otree.example.org
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Web backend

To make the application accessible from the outside, configure a web backend:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web backend set / --http --port <port>
Set backend for / to port <port>; please make sure something is listening!
You can always check the status of your backend using "uberspace web backend list".
[isabell@stardust ~]$

For this guide, we will be using the oTree default port 8000 and the domain otree.example.org.


Create and enter a new directory for the oTree app:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ mkdir otree
[isabell@stardust ~]$ cd otree
[isabell@stardust otree]$

oTree is installed via the Python package manager pip. First, you should create and activate a virtual environment to separate the installation from any other Python packages that may be installed in your home directory:

[isabell@stardust otree]$ python3.10 -m venv venv
[isabell@stardust otree]$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$

Second, install otree and its dependencies:

(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$ pip3.10 install otree
(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$



If you already have an oTree project, you should copy it into the otree directory. If you don’t have an oTree project yet, you can create one with:

(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$ otree startproject myproject
? Include sample games? (y or n): y
✔ Created project folder.
ℹ Enter "cd myproject" to move inside the project folder, then start the server with "otree devserver".
(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$

Next, install additional packages required by the project. By default, oTree lists these packages in myproject/requirements.txt:

(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$ pip3.10 install -r myproject/requirements.txt
(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$

The psycopg2 library is used to connect to the PostgreSQL database. If you were to start oTree in production mode now, you may get the following error:

ImportError: /home/isabell/otree/venv/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/psycopg2/_psycopg.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: PQconninfo

Though not recommended by the developers of Psycopg2, a workaround is to install the psycopg2-binary package:

(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$ pip3.10 install psycopg2-binary
(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$

You can now exit the virtual environment with:

(venv) [isabell@stardust otree]$ deactivate
[isabell@stardust otree]$

Set up the daemon

Before running oTree in production, generate up to three additional secret keys, depending on your needs:

[isabell@stardust]$ openssl rand -hex 16 # OTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: admin login
[isabell@stardust]$ openssl rand -hex 8 # OTREE_SECRET_KEY: (optional) participant URL secret
[isabell@stardust]$ openssl rand -hex 32 # OTREE_REST_KEY: (optional) key for the REST API

Which secret keys are required depends on your app, check the oTree documentation for details.

To run oTree in production mode with supervisord, create a new file at /home/$USER/etc/services.d/otree.ini with the following contents:

  command=%(ENV_HOME)s/otree/venv/bin/otree prodserver 8000
Modify the file as follows:
  • environment: add your passphrases as indicated, or remove variabes you don’t need. You may also want to set AUTH_LEVEL="STUDY" for production usage.

  • directory: path to the oTree app that you wish to run.

  • command: path to oTree, as installed via pip in your virtual environment.

After creating the configuration, tell supervisord to refresh its configuration and start the service:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl reread
SERVICE: available
[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl update
SERVICE: added process group
[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl status
SERVICE                            RUNNING   pid 26020, uptime 0:03:14
[isabell@stardust ~]$

You should now be able to access your oTree app by navigating to https://otree.example.org.

Tested with Uberspace v7.15.9, oTree v5.10.4.