👑 Hall of Fame

Most of the guides in our sweet little laboratory are written by regular users (just like you!). While we occasionally hand out goodies for new guides or substantial edits, we’d like to additionally thank those users here publicly.

  1. 10
    Thomas Johnson <https://johnson.tj/>
  2. 9
    Nico Graf <hallo@uberspace.de>
  3. 7
    Daniel Kratz <https://danielkratz.com>
  4. 6
    ezra <ezra@posteo.de>
  5. 6
    GodMod <godmod@eqdkp-plus.eu>
  6. 5
    EV21 <uberlab@ev21.de>
  7. 5
    FM <git.fm@mmw9.de>
  8. 5
    Kevin Jost <https://github.com/systemsemaphore>
  9. 4
    Arian Malek <https://fetziverse.de>
  10. 4
    brutus <brutus.dmc@googlemail.com>
  11. 4
    Christian Kantelberg <uberlab@mailbox.org>
  12. 4
    Christian Macht <https://github.com/cmacht/>
  13. 4
    luto <http://luto.at>
  14. 4
    stunkymonkey <http://stunkymonkey.de>
  15. 4
    tobimori <tobias@moeritz.cc>
  16. 3
    Achim | pxlfrk <hallo@pxlfrk.de>
  17. 3
    franok <https://franok.de>
  18. 3
    Jonas <https://github.com/jfowl>
  19. 3
    knhash <https://knhash.in>
  20. 3
    Malte Krupa <http://nafn.de>
  21. 3
    this.ven <https://this.ven.uber.space>
  22. 3
    Thomas Hoffmann <uberlab@emptyweb.de>
  23. 3
    Yannick Ihmels <yannick@ihmels.org>
  24. 2
    benks <uberspace@benks.io>
  25. 2
  26. 2
    Direnc <direnc99@gmail.com>
  27. 2
    Franz Wimmer <https://codefoundry.de>
  28. 2
    Jan Klomp <https://jan.klomp.de>
  29. 2
    Lukas Herzog <hallo@lukasherzog.de>
  30. 2
    Marius Bertram <marius@brtrm.de>
  31. 2
    no-one <https://github.com/no-one>
  32. 2
    Phil <development@beph.de>
  33. 2
    stratmaster <https://github.com/stratmaster>
  34. 2
    Thomas S. <https://github.com/Thomas--S/>
  35. 2
    Tobias Quathamer <t.quathamer@mailbox.org>
  36. 1
  37. 1
    @expiringplatform <vrhx4va7h145o5z9ptdq38vv@systemli.org>
  38. 1
    Andreas Fuchs <https://anfuchs.de/>
  39. 1
    Andreas Matschl | SpaceCode <andreas@spacecode.it>
  40. 1
    Andreas Pabst
  41. 1
    André Birke <https://github.com/abirke>
  42. 1
    André Jaenisch <https://jaenis.ch>
  43. 1
    André Lehner <https://github.com/Adashi12>
  44. 1
    Astrid Günther <https://astrid-guenther.de>
  45. 1
    BabyFn0rd <https://github.com/BabyFnord/>
  46. 1
    Benjamin Wießneth <bwiessneth@gmail.com>
  47. 1
    bliepp <https://github.com/bliepp>
  48. 1
    cblte <https://cbrueggenolte.de>
  49. 1
    CHHEI <chhei@paleoearthlabs.org>
  50. 1
    chriskbach <https://github.com/chriskbach/>
  51. 1
    Christian <christian@kuntzsch.me>
  52. 1
    Christoph Reißig - REISSIG|DIGITAL info@reissig-digital.com
  53. 1
    Christoph Reißig <https://reissig-stopp.de>
  54. 1
    Clemens Krack <info@clemenskrack.com>
  55. 1
    CptSanifair <https://github.com/CptSanifair>
  56. 1
    ctr49 <https://github.com/ctr49>
  57. 1
    Dan Untenzu <mail@pixelbrackets.de>
  58. 1
    Daniel Hannaske <https://github.com/dahanbn/>
  59. 1
    Dirk <https://github.com/universalappfactory/>
  60. 1
    Doug Webb <https://dougwebb.site>
  61. 1
    DwB <dirk@babig.de>
  62. 1
    Eike Broda <uberlab@ebroda.de>
  63. 1
    fap <https://github.com/fapdash/>
  64. 1
  65. 1
    Felix Franz <https://www.felix-franz.com>
  66. 1
    Felix Förtsch <https://felixfoertsch.de>
  67. 1
    Felix Kohlen <https://github.com/FelixKohlen>
  68. 1
    Finn <mail@f1nn.eu>
  69. 1
    Florian Latzel <https://netzaffe.de>
  70. 1
  71. 1
    Frank ℤisko <https://frank.zisko.io>
  72. 1
    Frederik Ring <hioffen@posteo.de>
  73. 1
    Gerald Schneider <gerald@schneidr.de>
  74. 1
    Glumbosch <glumbosch.home.blog>
  75. 1
    godmod <godmod@godmod.eu>
  76. 1
    Gökhan Sirin <g.sirin@gedankengut.de>
  77. 1
    Hafnium <haf@hafnium.me>
  78. 1
    hendrikmaus <https://github.com/hendrikmaus>
  79. 1
    humbug <uberspace@humbug.pw>
  80. 1
    imntl <max@mntl.de>
  81. 1
    j3n57h0m45 <https://github.com/j3n57h0m45>
  82. 1
    Jan Philip Bernius <https://janphilip.bernius.net>
  83. 1
  84. 1
    Jonathan Herper <jonathan@herper.me>
  85. 1
    jorsn <johannes@jorsn.eu>
  86. 1
    jpmens <https://jpmens.net>
  87. 1
    Julian Oster <https://jlnostr.de>
  88. 1
    Julius Künzel
  89. 1
    Karsten Brusch <https://k11h.de>
  90. 1
    lk3de <web-uberlab@lk3.de>
  91. 1
    logazer <https://logazer.de>
  92. 1
    Lomion <lomion@sarkasti.eu>
  93. 1
  94. 1
    Lukas Bockstaller <lukas.bockstaller@posteo.de>
  95. 1
    Lukas Wolfsteiner <lukas@wolfsteiner.media>
  96. 1
    luto <m@luto.at>
  97. 1
  98. 1
    Marc Redwerkz <https://rdwz.one>
  99. 1
    marci <marci@uber.space>
  100. 1
    Marco Krage <https://my-azur.de>
  101. 1
  102. 1
    Martin Porsch <https://github.com/kubiac/>
  103. 1
    Marvin Dickhaus <https://marvindickhaus.de>
  104. 1
    Matthias Kolja Miehl <https://makomi.net>
  105. 1
    Michael Behrisch <oss@behrisch.de>
  106. 1
    Michael Stötzer <hallo@bytekeks.de>
  107. 1
    Michi <https://github.com/michi-zuri>
  108. 1
    Mike <https://github.com/fooforge>
  109. 1
    minim <https://github.com/minim-one/>
  110. 1
    Mirko Reul <https://mirkoreul.de>
  111. 1
    Moanos <https://hyteck.de/about/>
  112. 1
    momoaux <momoaux@koma666.de>
  113. 1
    Moritz Stückler <https://twitter.com/MoStueck>
  114. 1
    nepoh <hello@nepoh.eu>
  115. 1
    Nepomacs <https://github.com/Nepomacs/>
  116. 1
    Nico Graf DO2NG <hallo@uberspace.de>
  117. 1
    Nikolas <https://nikolasdas.de>
  118. 1
    on4r <https://github.com/on4r>
  119. 1
    Pascal Iske <info@pascal-iske.de>
  120. 1
    Pascal Nowak <pascal@nowak.app>
  121. 1
    Philipp Wensauer <mail@philippwensauer.com>
  122. 1
    Putzwasser <26040044+putzwasser@users.noreply.github.com>
  123. 1
    Raphael Fetzer
  124. 1
    Raphael Höser <raphael@hoeser.info>
  125. 1
    René Nowak <rene-n@gmx.net>
  126. 1
    revilowaldow <oliver@warlow.engineer>
  127. 1
    Richard Kroegel <info@kroegel.org>
  128. 1
    roang <https://github.com/Roang-zero1>
  129. 1
    Robert Wetzlmayr <https://wetzlmayr.at/> et al.
  130. 1
    Sascha Groetzner <https://groetzner.net>
  131. 1
    Sascha Mann <https://saschamann.eu/>
  132. 1
    Sebastian Burschel <https://github.com/SeBaBu/>
  133. 1
    Sebastian Krings <https://krin.gs>
  134. 1
    Sebastian Weiss <https://sebastianweiss.io>
  135. 1
  136. 1
    Spacelord <iamroot@uber.space>
  137. 1
    Starkstromkonsument <it@starkstromkonsument.de>
  138. 1
    Sven <mail@klomp.eu>
  139. 1
    TheForcer <https://github.com/TheForcer>
  140. 1
    Theodor Müller <info@trilliarden.net>
  141. 1
    Thomas Johnson <https://johnson.tj/>, Andreas Fuchs <https://anfuchs.de/>
  142. 1
    Till Deeke <hallo@tilldeeke.de>
  143. 1
    Tim Hetkämper <https://github.com/transistortim>
  144. 1
    Tobias Stahn <hello@tstahn.io>
  145. 1
    Torsten Meyer <https://knodderdachs.de>
  146. 1
    Willi Mutschler <willi@mutschler.eu>
  147. 1
    xchs <https://github.com/xchs>