
Streamlit is a high-level Python Web framework focussing on data visualization.


For this guide, you should be familiar with the basic concepts of


All relevant legal information can be found in the terms of use.


Your URL needs to be setup:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web domain list
[isabell@stardust ~]$

For this guide we will use mysiteproject as the project’s name and will install it to ~/mysiteproject.


Install the latest Streamlit version.

[isabell@stardust ~]$ pip3.11 install --user streamlit
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Create Project

Create a directory for your project. We use ~/mysiteproject for this guide.

[isabell@stardust ~]$ mkdir ~/mysiteproject
[isabell@stardust ~]$ mkdir ~/mysiteproject/.streamlit
[isabell@stardust ~]$


While it does not matter how you name it and where you put it, we suggest that you do not put this directory under any path served to the web (e.g. ~/html), to avoid exposing your files.


Create ~/mysiteproject/.streamlit/config.toml

gatherUsageStats = false

headless = true
port = 8501
baseUrlPath = ""

See Streamlit configuration documentation for more information.

Example App

Create ~/mysiteproject/

import streamlit as st

Add Web Backend


Streamlit is running on port 8501.

To make the application accessible from the outside, configure a web backend:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web backend set / --http --port <port>
Set backend for / to port <port>; please make sure something is listening!
You can always check the status of your backend using "uberspace web backend list".
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Setup Service

Create ~/etc/services.d/mysiteproject.ini with the following content:

command=streamlit run

After creating the configuration, tell supervisord to refresh its configuration and start the service.

After creating the configuration, tell supervisord to refresh its configuration and start the service:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl reread
SERVICE: available
[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl update
SERVICE: added process group
[isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl status
SERVICE                            RUNNING   pid 26020, uptime 0:03:14
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Configure Web Backend


Streamlit is running on port 8501.

To make the application accessible from the outside, configure a web backend:

[isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web backend set / --http --port <port>
Set backend for / to port <port>; please make sure something is listening!
You can always check the status of your backend using "uberspace web backend list".
[isabell@stardust ~]$

Your backend should now point to the service.

Tested with Streamlit 1.40.2, Python 3.11, Uberspace 7.16

Written by: Torben <>